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Google warns TWO MILLION users their computers have been infected with a virus

Google has started warning more than two million internet users that their PC has been infected with a virus.
The malicious software hijacks Google browser searches and redirects people to websites containing fake security programs that pay the scammers for traffic.
Those affected by the virus will be greeted with a yellow warning at the top of their search results, Google said today.

According to the company, the malware found its way onto computers via fake anti-virus software.
Then, when a Google search is entered it is sent to servers, controlled by the cyber criminals, which modify and redirect the traffic.
Customers affected by the malware are issued with instructions on how to remove the virus from their computer.
Google's swift response is further evidence that large internet firms are vulnerable to cyber crime.
Apple has long boasted of the Mac's immunity to viruses and malware - but online security experts recently warned that the computers are facing an increased threat from criminals because of their popularity.
They said that Macs are now a more attractive target for hackers due to the rising number of people who choose them over a PC.


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Cara Menyembunyikan Powerd by Jcow 4.2.1

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Reset Jutsu/Elemen Pada Ninja Saga

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